Showing posts with label George Runner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Runner. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Runner Tells DMV to Stop Overcharging Tax


SACRAMENTO – George Runner has called upon California’s Department of Motor Vehicles to stop overcharging California consumers when they pay tax on their vehicle purchases.


Runner said, “It’s outrageous that the State of California expects private citizens to do things right that government is doing wrong.”


In a letter to DMV Director Jean Shiomoto, Runner writes: “I find it difficult to understand why your agency would knowingly continue to mischarge taxpayers when the Board of Equalization has developed an extremely accurate tool for determining tax rates at specific locations.”


The Board’s online tax rate lookup tool, launched in late 2013, enables taxpayers to find a sales tax rate for a specific address.


In his letter, Runner explains that DMV’s problem appears to stem from continued reliance on postal zip codes to determine tax rates. Since a single zip code can include areas with differing tax rates, zip codes are not a reliable way to determine tax.


Runner estimates that in his district alone more than 2.5 million Californians live in zip codes that have more than one tax rate.


Unlike most transactions, the tax rate for a vehicle sale is based on the location provided to DMV by the registered owner, not where the sale took place.


In response to Runner’s letter, DMV staff contacted Runner’s office indicating a desire to address Runner’s concerns but warning a solution could be years away.


Runner said, “I am happy to assist taxpayers overcharged by DMV in obtaining refunds, but they should not be overcharged in the first place. I don’t want to hear excuses. I want to see change.”


Runner says he will be pursuing additional outreach to taxpayers in his district to alert them to the possibility that they are paying too much tax.


Elected in November 2010, George Runner represents more than nine million Californians as a member of the State Board of Equalization. For more information,

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Runner-Sponsored Bill to Help Disabled Veterans Heads to Governor

A proposal sponsored by George Runner to protect California's disabled veterans cleared the Assembly this week with unanimous, bipartisan support, and now awaits action by Governor Jerry Brown.

"I applaud the Legislature for passing this legislation to help the men and women who have bravely served our country," said Runner. "Bureaucratic delays should never rob veterans of the tax benefits that are rightfully theirs."

In a letter urging Governor Brown's signature, Runner writes that Senate Bill 1113, authored by Senator Steve Knight (R-Antelope Valley), will ensure "that disabled veterans who encounter bureaucratic delays are able to claim a property tax exemption to which they are entitled."

Under California law, veterans who receive a 100% disability rating from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may be eligible for a property tax exemption on the value of their home up to $124,932 or $187,399 in 2014 and equivalent amounts adjusted for inflation in future years. The exemption starts on the date of disability and disabled veterans may claim a refund for up to four years of back taxes paid.

Unfortunately, due to VA backlogs, some veterans have had to wait more than four years to receive their disability rating certifications. As a result, they've missed out on thousands of dollars in property tax refunds to which they were entitled and anticipated receiving.

SB 1113 would increase the availability of refunds on taxes previously paid from four years to eight years, allowing veterans to receive the full benefit of their exemption, even if the rating process takes more than four years to complete.

"Veterans who are disabled as a direct result of serving our country shouldn't be penalized for delays over which they have no control," said Knight. "I commend my colleagues for backing SB 1113 to ensure disabled veterans have access to the tax benefits they deserve."

The full Board of Equalization voted to support SB 1113 at its March 25meeting, and the measure has also received support from the California Assessors' Association, California Taxpayers Association, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and a broad coalition of veterans' organizations.

Elected in November 2010, George Runner represents more than nine million Californians as a member of the State Board of Equalization. For more information,

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