Showing posts with label DoD News Feed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DoD News Feed. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

U.S. Continues Airstrikes Against ISIL in Iraq

U.S. aircraft continue their attacks on ISIL terrorists in support of Iraqi security force operations.

Minnesota Doctor Becomes Air Guard Brigadier General

For the family of Air Force Brig. Gen. David D. Hamlar Jr., promotion ceremonies have been a normal event throughout his career. However, his most recent ceremony is different because of the special significance pinning the star on his shoulder means to the Minnesota National Guard.

U.S. Soldiers in Estonia Compete in Recon Challenge

The Estonian Defense League hosted the second annual Admiral Pitka Recon Challenge, which included competitors from the United States.

Dempsey to Preside at Team USA Basketball Ceremony

Thirty U.S. service members will present military "dog tags"to the Team USA basketball all-stars during its match with the Dominican Republic.

Face of Defense: Marines Hone Firefighting Skills

More than 20 members of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point's aircraft rescue and firefighting unit practiced extinguishing simulated aircraft fires to prepare for the conditions and stressors of real missions.

Work Highlights Importance of U.S.-South Korea Alliance

In a visit to South Korea, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work discussed the North Korean threat and cooperation between the U.S., South Korea and Japan a senior defense official said.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kirby: Mosul Dam Operation Not 'Mission Creep'

The partnership between U.S., Iraqi and Kurdish forces was critical to retaking the Mosul Dam from Sunni terrorists, the Pentagon press secretary said.

Work: Guam is Strategic Hub to Asia-Pacific Rebalance

Guam is an increasingly important strategic hub for the U.S. Asia-Pacific rebalance, Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work said during a visit to the U.S. territory.

Face of Defense: Soldiers Train for Expert Field Medical Badge

Medical soldiers stationed in Kosovo are training to earn the coveted Expert Field Medical Badge.

Pentagon Describes Anti-ISIL Operations in Iraq

The U.S. military used fighters, bombers, attack, and unmanned aircraft to conduct 35 strikes that eliminated ISIL positions in and around the Mosul Dam complex, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said in a statement.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hagel Congratulates Cape Ray For Syria Mission

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has congratulated the crew of the U.S. ship MV Cape Ray for completing the work of neutralizing Syrian chemical weapons components.

Security of Mosul Dam Critical to Iraq's Infrastructure

U.S. forces are continuing to conduct airstrikes in Iraq, with the majority aimed at helping Iraqi forces retake the Mosul Dam from ISIL terrorists.

Breedlove Discusses Russian Threats in Europe

NATO is examining additional ways it can reassure alliance members who feel threatened by Russia's on-going actions in Ukraine, the top U.S commander in Europe said.

U.S. Conducts More Airstrikes Near the Mosul Dam

U.S. airstrikes continue against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

DoD Continues Aid to Combat Western Wildfires

Two Department of Defense C-130 aircraft under the command and control of U.S. Northern Command are assisting with wildfire suppression efforts in the Western United States.

Rogers: Cybercom Defending Networks, Nation

Navy Adm. Mike Rogers, commander of U.S. Cyber Command and director of the National Security Agency, said Cybercom continues to expand its capabilities and outlined five priorities for the command. Special Report: Travels With Work

Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work is traveling to the Asia-Pacific region to strengthen multilateral security cooperation, build more robust partnerships and discuss ongoing efforts and regional security matters.

Face of Defense: USS Roosevelt Conducts UAV Testing

The Navy's experimental unmanned X-47B air vehicle returned to carrier operations aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt and completed a series of tests, operating safely and seamlessly with manned aircraft.

Service Members Receiving RAND Military Workplace Survey

About 580,000 service members have begun receiving emails or letters inviting them to participate in the first RAND Military Workplace Study, Defense Department officials said.