It’s moving season and Uncle Sam’s got your back. We have all the info you need for a smooth transition from one place to another. Here are 4 things you (probably) didn’t know about moving in the Corps. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Rocco DeFilippis)
It’s moving season and Uncle Sam’s got your back. Fred Hyden, the section lead for Personal Property and Passenger Transportation, oversees and writes policy for the Defense Personal Property Program, or as we may know it: the household moving goods program. Hyden gave us all the info you need for a smooth transition from one place to another. Here are 4 things you (probably) didn’t know about moving in the Corps.
Teach Yourself How to Move
Received orders and not sure where to get started? Visit The Defense Personal Property System provides personalized online “self counseling” instructions for how to move. All you have to do is visit the site, click on the “before you move” tab and find “DPS How-to Guides”. Open the “Self Counseling” link and walk through the rest of the instructions. The important thing about moving is making sure you’ve got everything ready to go. There are little things, like disconnecting your washing machine or dishwasher, that need to be done before the movers arrive. Bottom line: if you’re not ready, you’re not moving.
How Much Stuff Can You Move?
Marines are allowed to move a specific weight of household items, depending on their rank and marital status. For example, a single sergeant is allowed to move up to 7,000 lbs, while a married sergeant would receive an allowance for up to 8,000 lbs. The same goes for officers, with a single captain being allowed 13,000 lbs and a married one allowed 14,500 lbs. On the contrary, if your prescribed weight limit doesn’t fit your needs, you can always send in a request for a higher weight allowance at your transportation office. Check out the DPS Weight Allowance Chart.
It’s Your Stuff, and You’re in Charge
Have you ever been skeptical about the movers or anyone else breaking your stuff? Don’t worry, according to DPS regulations, you are the supervisor and can make sure no one is mistreating your things. Also, if anything is damaged during the move, DPS will reimburse you for the current cost, or replace it with an equivalent item.
What if I’m moving, but don’t have a place to move into, yet?
Say no more. You can store your goods for up to 90 days in a storage facility at the government’s expense. As long as the member’s order and/or transportation authorization is valid, delivery out of storage — regardless of how long it has been there — is on the house. This includes shipments that have been converted to storage at the member’s expense.
by lisetteleyva via Marines Blog
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