Friday, October 24, 2014

Why You Should Support #Military effort to STOP #Ebola

Ebola hysteria? Perhaps we are not thinking this through!

What if three independent story lines began to converge?

We know that Ebola is very dangerous. The World Health Organization estimates that the current outbreak infected 10,000 people and about half of them perished from the illness. Of the five strains of the virus we know that one of them is extremely dangerous claiming almost 90% of victims who contract the disease.

We also know that radical Islam would like to disrupt America. There have been many suicide bombers in the Middle East. Sometimes that violence spills over into Europe or America. We all remember the day 19 hijackers flew planes into buildings. We know there is no shortage of volunteers within radical Islam for suicide missions. What if 100 volunteers were injected with the virus just prior to their departure on commercial flights?

What if their destination was Mexico? We know that the crisis at our borders has been uncontained for years when Latin Americans were fleeing poverty and corruption south of our border. What if those 100 Muslim terrorists were exposing passengers on trains, busses, and in public places throughout Mexico? We saw how the United States responded to a few cases of Ebola. How prepared is Mexico to handle this? From my visits to clinics in Mexico during the filming of “American Federale” and other relief missions, I can tell you that Mexico has no possible sufficient response to a widespread Ebola outbreak. Panic would sweep the streets of Mexico and millions of people would be headed toward the borders of the United States. Many of those could be carriers of the disease.

Is America prepared for such an event? Does this sound like a plot to a Hollywood Movie?

There are many that are criticizing the deployment of troops to Africa right now. To them I say that our National Security may depend on stomping out Ebola in Africa. News that two African Nations are Ebola free is very comforting. There are a few more to go. We should all stand with the U.S. Military that has deployed to fight this deadly disease. There is no time for partisan politics. We must all work together to keep this disease from spreading beyond the African Continent and then we must eradicate it from Africa. Anything less is inviting disaster.

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