Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Relieving Chemical Addictions - With Dietary Supplements

It is not uncommon for those who remain totally chemically free to simply substitute their chosen vice with excessive use of another addictive substance, such as refined sugar, caffein, or nicotine. The term dependence encompasses almost completely asymmetry and self-destructive behavior. Chemical and codependency can create an illusory sense of well-being, but in the end, it severely damages physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness weakening underlying metabolic malfunctions common to almost all forms of addictions.

Sugar is the foremost "addictive, yet legal" kernel used today. Several other drugs such as amphetamines, psychedelics, cocaine, and nicotine temporarily increase the release of chemicals into the bloodstream; this creates a "high" through a procedure similar to that involving bread and alcoholic beverage. These drugs also duplicate the mood-inducing effect of the consistency's endorphins, chemicals which transmit messages to the brain that help to relax the nervous system or make it "smile." There are many degrees of addictions.

At the other end of the spectrum addicts drink pints of intoxicants daily, shooting heroin and doing large amounts of various drugs. The first base step is making a decision. You have to know your limitations and surrender to those who are professionals.

Your recovery isn't the responsibility of others, you must want it too and work for it. One day at a time you must fight to stay away from destructive behavior. There are many support groups that can help you stay the course. There are volunteers and sponsors that are only a telephone call away. They take their sobriety seriously and will meet you half way... you must do the rest on your own.

Getting the proper nutrition is one of the keys to recovery. Are you free maintaining healthy habits? In your diet, do you stress the vital foods: fruits, grains, vegetables, and nuts? Do you get enough sleep. Do you breathe plenty of fresh air, bask in sunshine, exercise, and consort with nature. If you answer YES to these questions, you are moving toward purification of the bodily temple.

Achieving balance requires desire to care for yourself. You can take steps to rejuvenate a badly damaged liver or build a strong resistant system. Regular nourishment through balanced meals is crucial and can be augmented with nutritional supplements.

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