Monday, October 6, 2014

Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom statement on Supreme Court decision

Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision to deny hearing five cases on same-sex marriage:


“Today, we saw a significant step in achieving marriage equality. By the Supreme Court denying lower court appeals, same-sex marriage will now be legal in eleven more states, lifting the total to thirty.

The fight, however, is not over. We cannot rest until every state in the union recognizes all Americans with equal rights, equal respect and equal recognition.

With more than half of all Americans supporting same-sex marriage, and that number continuing to grow, the Supreme Court will have no choice but to make a ruling on the issue. When that time comes, I hope the justices are courageous enough to take a stand and be on the right side of history.”


Lt. Gov. Newsom pushed the issue to the national forefront when he initiated the marriage of same sex couples at City Hall in San Francisco in 2004. Then, thousands of courageous couples took their vows, spurring debate and ultimately challenging state laws.

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