Friday, October 17, 2014

Los Angeles County Democratic Party Condemns State Senator Steve Knight for Opposing the Ban on the Display and Sale of the Confederate Flag


LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP) unanimously adopted the following resolution condemning Republican State Senator and Congressional candidate Steve Knight for voting against banning the display and sale of the Battle Flag of the Confederacy by the State of California.  Further, the resolution calls on Republican State Assembly candidate Tom Lackey to join the LACDP in demanding a public apology from his close ally and endorser, Knight.


"The Los Angeles County Democratic Party strongly condemns State Senator Steve Knight's despicable vote against common decency, which would perpetuate the display and sale of the ultimate symbol of intolerance, injustice, and discrimination in American history in California.  Let me be clear: the Battle Flag of the Confederacy has no place in the Golden State," said Eric C. Bauman, Chair of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party.


Bauman continued, "As one of only three state legislators to vote against the overwhelmingly bipartisan legislation, it's clear that Knight's ideology is out-of-touch, out-of-step, and out-of-whack for California.  How can anyone in good conscience support his candidacy for Congress?  We call upon all Californians to stand up and demand Steve Knight make a public apology and renunciation of his offensive and downright immoral vote.  We also call on his ally Tom Lackey to repudiate Knight's position on an issue of such great sensitivity to African Americans in particular and all decent Californians."


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Resolution Condemning State Senator Steve Knight

for Voting Against Banning the Display and Sale

of the Battle Flag of the Confederacy in California


Whereas, the Battle Flag of the Confederacy in America, akin to the Swastika in Germany, is the ultimate emblem of inequality, injustice, and intolerance representing the darkest hours of human history that perpetuates hatred, discrimination, and violence;


Whereas, in eliminating the presence of this hateful symbol from the Golden State, State Assembly Member Isadore Hall introduced AB 2444 to ban the display and the sale of the Battle Flag of the Confederacy by the State of California; the legislation passed the California State Legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support and the Governor signed the bill into law;


Whereas, Republican State Senator Steve Knight, a candidate for U.S. Congress, defied common sense, progress, and human decency by voting against banning the sale and display of the Battle Flag of the Confederacy by our state; his inexcusable and offensive vote is the prima facie evidence that his extreme ideology represents a giant leap backward from achieving liberty and justice for all, which does not belong in the State Legislature, the U.S. Congress, and anywhere in our diverse communities;


Be It Resolved, that the Los Angeles County Democratic Party condemns State Senator Steve Knight for voting against banning the sale or display of the Battle Flag of the Confederacy by the State of California; and


Be It Further Resolved, that the Los Angeles County Democratic Party demands a public apology from State Senator Steve Knight for his despicable display of support for perpetuating the symbol of discrimination that has no place in America, and calls on Republican State Assembly candidate Tom Lackey to join our call in demanding public apology from State Senator Steve Knight.

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