Monday, October 13, 2014

Los Angeles County Democratic Party Statement

Los Angeles County Democratic Party Statement

on the Democratic Party Endorsement 

in the Senate District 35 Special Election


LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair and California Democratic Party Vice Chair Eric C. Bauman released the following statement on the California Democratic Party endorsement results for the State Senate District 35 Special Election:


"On behalf of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, I congratulate Assembly Member Isadore Hall for receiving the official endorsement of the California Democratic Party for the State Senate District 35 Special Election.  Hall is a committed public servant who has demonstrated exceptional leadership in fighting for our community and is well-qualified to be our next Senator.


"Additionally, we thank Assembly Member Steve Bradford for his years of public service and his commitment to standing up for working families.  We look forward to continue working with him in his future endeavors serving the people of California."

The Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP) is the official governing body of the Democratic Party in the County of Los Angeles and works in cooperation with the State and National Democratic Committees.  LACDP is the largest local Democratic Party entity in the United States, representing more than 2.4 million registered Democrats.  Endorsements issued by the LACDP in local and municipal races become the official endorsements of the California Democratic Party.  For more information, visit


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