Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Los Alamos National Laboratory receives Star Status recognition for safety excellence from Department of Energy

LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Oct. 8, 2014—Los Alamos National Laboratory has received Star-level recognition from the Department of Energy as part of DOE’s Voluntary Protection Program (VPP). Los Alamos becomes the largest site in the DOE complex to receive VPP Star Status.

“Hazards are part of our everyday work and achieving VPP Star recognition validates the evolution of worker-manager partnerships in making our Laboratory safe,” said Laboratory Director Charlie McMillan “However, this accomplishment does not mark the finish line; we must continue the actions that brought us this far and demonstrate our unwavering commitment to our Integrated Safety Management System and our Strategic Plan values through programs such as our employee-led Worker Safety and Security Teams and our VPP Office.”

Officials from the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration joined Laboratory managers and employees at a VPP Star flag raising ceremony Tuesday (Oct. 7) at the Laboratory’s main technical area.

Star is a status for DOE contractors who have and continue to implement excellent safety programs that systemically protect employees. It is based on an assessment of management commitment, employee involvement, worksite analysis, hazard prevention and control and safety and health training.

Star recognition is the highest achievement level and recognizes outstanding safety and health programs. 

Additionally, Bethany Rich, former leader of the Laboratory’s VPP Program Office, was nominated as a DOE-VPP champion in recognition for her actions and commitments that support DOE’s VPP program.

“VPP is workers looking out for each other,” Los Alamos’s Associate Director for Environment, Safety and Health Mike Brandt said of the VPP Star Status recognition. “Employees across this Laboratory have worked together to achieve VPP Star Status and should be proud of this accomplishment, but our safety improvement work will continue as we strive to make the Laboratory safe for workers and those who visit us.”

Photo Caption: Voluntary Protection Program Star Site flag flying at Los Alamos National Laboratory's main technical area.

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