Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kendall Encouraged by U.S.-India Defense Trade Progress

By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10, 2014 - The Defense Department's undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics yesterday discussed the Defense Trade and Technology Initiative and how it relates to U.S.-India military-to-military relations.

The initiative, part of a broader effort to build the United States' relationship with India, is making progress and aids the U.S. rebalance to the Asia-Pacific region, Frank Kendall told the U.S.-India Business Council at the organization's gala in Washington, D.C.

U.S.-India cooperation

At the beginning of the initiative, DoD approached the Indian Ministry of Defense with programs where the two nations could work together, Kendall said.

"These offers included some traditional sales of American equipment as well as a number of what we called co-production and co-development opportunities," he said.

At its core, the initiative is an effort to streamline the approval process for release of technology to India, Kendall said. An example of this, he said, is the co-production and co-development of the Javelin missile.

"These suggestions for cooperative programs are still available for consideration," the undersecretary said. "And, I believe, are under active consideration by the Indian government."

The initiative also looks to more broadly based research, he said.

Progress has resumed

During the Indian elections there was a time-out on the initiative, Kendall said. Now, he said, progress has resumed. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Kendall journeyed to India in August and both men came back excited over the possibilities of the initiative with India.

"It was very clear to Secretary Hagel and to myself that a new wind was blowing in India -- the monsoon had changed direction and intensity," Kendall said. "Everyone we met, at all levels, was highly interested in opportunities for cooperation. The desire we felt to inject new momentum into this relationship and into DTTI was echoed by everyone whom we met."

And now, there has been movement. Kendall said he and his Indian counterpart will meet in-person every six months. India will work to finalize approval of the renewal of the Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Memorandum of Agreement so it can be signed next month.

Opportunities to develop science and technology projects

The two nations agreed "to identify specific co-development and co-production opportunities," and to develop specific science and technology projects, Kendall said.

"I'm excited and encouraged about these developments, but I know there is a lot of work still to be done," the undersecretary said. "Both India and the United States have bureaucracies that can be equal parts engines for change and impediments to progress. But both of us can move when the leadership and motivation exist to do so."

Kendall said both sides must keep pushing.

"Good intentions must lead to tangible results, or the momentum we have built is going to fade," he said. In that spirit, the United States has set aside $20 million for strategic cooperative science and technology projects with India.

Kendall emphasized that the initiative is not just an attempt to sell U.S. defense products to India. It is, he said, one facet "to build a deeper, closer, and broader relationship with one of the most important countries on Earth."

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