Friday, October 24, 2014

Everyone needs compassion.

Everyday many of our homeless are often ignored and forgotten.
Thank you to everyone and all the businesses, churches, schools, organization, seen and unseen, who take the time to help and serve those in need. Your love and compassion truly makes a difference!

As I was driving today, I came to a stop at the light of a busy intersection. I looked to my left and noticed a man on the ground struggling to reach for his walker. It seemed as if the light took forever to change. As I waited for the light to change, I couldn't help but focus my attention on this man. He was literally on the ground trying to reach for his walker, and some people just walked passed him. When the light changed and I had an opportunity to make a legal U-turn, I drove to that man; I stopped my car and helped him up.
He was crying. He said, lost his balance and fell and couldn't get up and reach his walker. He said he was on the ground for almost 15 minutes trying to get up, but people just drove and walked by. After I helped the man gets back up to his walker and gather his things, I drove him to the store that he was trying to get to.
I share today’s experience with you because, as I was talking to the man, the focus was not on “who and what” passed him by, the focus was on the fact that he was able to get back up! We all fall down. It may have take 15 minutes or 15 years to get back up, all that matters is you got back up! It may seem like you’re being ignored, and no one cares, that’s not true. God loves you and you’re beautiful!
Never Give Up!

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