Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DoD Official Endorses Army Program to Train All Components

By Terri Moon Cronk
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Oct. 14, 2014 - The 1st U.S. Army's "Bold Shift" initiative to integrate the Army's active-duty, National Guard and Reserve is "the right thing to do" for readiness today and the future, a top Defense Department official said at the Association of the U.S. Army's annual meeting and exposition here yesterday.

Paul D. Patrick, deputy assistant secretary of defense of reserve affairs for readiness, training and mobilization, talked about the 1st Army's program during a panel discussion on Army total force implementation.

The Bold Shift initiative focuses on premobilization training of all three of the Army's components, so all soldiers are trained and configured in exactly how they will fight.

"The advantages of 1st Army's partnering and engagement with the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve in premobilization assessment training, planned development and postmobilization training and preparing [reserve component] units identified through mobilization for combat over the past 12-plus years in Afghanistan and Iraq are well documented," Patrick said.

"And it's brought the level of total-force integration to unprecedented heights," he added.

Optimal, efficient, cost-effective training

The Army initiative ensures optimal training in an efficient and cost-effective manner, Patrick noted.

"It encompasses not only training support personnel, facilities and equipment, [but the initiative] also brings together combat, combat support and combat service support formations from all components to train as you fight," he said.

The Army is organized, trained and equipped to fight as a total force, Lt. Gen. Michael S. Tucker, 1st U.S. Army commander, said during the panel discussion.

"We never go to war as one component," he said. "We go to war as a multicomponent force, always."

If integrating training with all components together is not done, Tucker said, "we'll go back to our stovepipes, and we can't allow that as we go to combat ... as a multicomponent force."

The Army's total force implementation, as directed by Army Secretary John M. McHugh, is a partnership, said Gen. Mark A. Milley, commander of U.S. Army Forces Command.

"We are partnering the active component with the National Guard and reserve units on a day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month basis," Milley said.

Need became clear in Iraq, Afghanistan

The need for a total force became clear during 12 years of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Lt. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley, chief of the Army Reserve and commander of U.S. Army Reserve Command.

Developing the total force policy has been an open and collaborative process in the Army National Guard, added Maj. Gen. Judd H. Lyons, acting director of the Army National Guard. He added that it's encouraging to see that all major exercises will now be multicomponent exercises. "It's already paying dividends," he said.

Patrick noted that total force applies to more than one service branch.

"[DoD's reserve affairs] is doing its part to ensure an optimally ready total force," he said, "not only for the Army, but for all the services."

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