Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Vets Group Hits McConnell w/$300k TV Buy

Today, the veterans group VoteVets.org is launching a massive ad buy across Kentucky, which puts Senator Mitch McConnell's bullheadedness against funding veterans care into raw perspective. The ad begins launching Tuesday on broadcast and cable, at a cost of $300,000 over five days. VoteVets is already planning on an extension of the ad buy.

The ad can be viewed here: http://youtu.be/XTqdMgJo-sw. A full script is below and release below.

VoteVets Launches $300,000 Kentucky Ad Buy That Puts 
Mitch McConnell's Intransigence on Veterans Care into Human Terms

"It's time for you to go," Vietnam Vet tells McConnell

Louisville, KY – The veterans group VoteVets.org, with over 400,000 supporters, is launching a massive ad buy across Kentucky, which puts Senator Mitch McConnell's bullheadedness against funding veterans care into raw perspective. The ad begins launching today, on broadcast and cable, at a cost of $300,000 over five days. VoteVets is already planning on an extension of the ad buy.

The ad can be viewed here: http://youtu.be/XTqdMgJo-sw. A full script is below.

The ad features a Kentucky Vietnam veteran, who suffers from multiple ailments, due to exposure to Agent Orange. Walking toward the camera, with just the sound of his cane being heard, text comes up over Charles Erwin of Mayfield: "He was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. Now… Diabetes. A stroke. Heart disease. Cancer. He depends on a veterans hospital for care. In a time of crisis: Mitch McConnell blocked $21 billion for veterans."

Irwin, having reached the camera, then says, "Senator McConnell, I did my duty. But after 30 years in Washington, you failed to do yours. It's time for you to go."

Indeed, earlier in the year, Senate Republicans, led by Senator McConnell, killed a $21 billion veterans package, offered by Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont that would, among other things, have helped alleviate the delays in appointments, which were being discovered at an alarming rate, at veterans centers and hospitals. Senator McConnell's actions led to headlines across the Capitol, like:

"GOP Blocks Veterans Bill" – The Hill, Feb 27, 2014

"Senate Blocks Dems Bill Boosting Vets' Benefits" – Associated Press, Feb 27, 2014

"Republicans Derail Senate Veterans Bill" – Politico, Feb 27, 2014

Founded in 2006, and backed by over 400,000 supporters, the mission of VoteVets.org is to use public issue campaigns and direct outreach to lawmakers to ensure that troops abroad have what they need to complete their missions, and receive the care they deserve when they get home. VoteVets.org also recognizes veterans as a vital part of the fabric of our country and will work to protect veterans' interests in their day-to-day lives. VoteVets.org is committed to the destruction of terror networks around the world - with force when necessary - to protect America. While non-partisan, the group is the largest progressive organization of veterans in America.

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