Monday, September 29, 2014

U.S., Partners Continue #Airstrikes Against #ISIL in #Syria, #Iraq

From a U.S. Central Command News Release

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 29, 2014 - U.S. and partner-nation military forces continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Syria yesterday and today, using a mix of fighter and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes, U.S. Central Command officials reported.

Separately, U.S. military forces used attack and remotely piloted aircraft yesterday and today to conduct three airstrikes in Iraq, officials added.

In Syria, one airstrike near Dayr ar Zawr destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle, and another destroyed an ISIL anti-aircraft artillery transport vehicle. U.S. and partner nations conducted two airstrikes on an ISIL compound and an ISIL-held airfield in northwest Syria near Aleppo.

Two airstrikes were conducted on ISIL compounds near Raqqah, and two more struck an ISIL training camp and ISIL vehicles in a staging area next to an ISIL-held grain storage facility near Manbij that ISIL was using as a logistics hub and vehicle staging facility.

Assessments are underway on the outcome of these attacks, but initial indications are that they were successful, officials said.

To conduct these strikes, the United States employed U.S. Air Force aircraft deployed to the Centcom area of responsibility, officials said. The United Arab Emirates and Jordan also participated in these strikes, they added, and all aircraft departed the strike areas safely.

In Iraq, an airstrike near Kirkuk destroyed two ISIL vehicles, and another near Sinjar destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles. One strike against an ISIL armed vehicle in northwestern Iraq was unsuccessful. All aircraft departed the strike areas safely, officials said.

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