Thursday, September 4, 2014

Truth is the Only Way Forward

Everybody is distracted by the money that is pouring into politics. There is no doubt that politics is influenced by money. Money creates marketing sound bytes that influence Americans. Those sound bytes get repeated over and over and become the water cooler conversations of parrots that can't think for themselves. But model is antiquated. The internet disseminates information at the speed of light. We should be beyond money influencing politics in America. We should be beyond Psychological Operations being perpetrated on the American people.

But where do you turn for the truth? Where can you get information that is backed by references that are not emotionally based but rather fact based? There is a need for a number of truth sites to spring up that break down every issue into emotion vs. fact so that voters can make intelligent decisions. We need watch dog groups that scrutinize every facet of government and issue fact based report cards. We need a watchdog group that keeps score of the judges. We need to catalog and score every single public official and every single public servant.

© 2014 Michael Douglas Carlin. All Rights Reserved.

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