Friday, September 26, 2014



Anita DeFrancesco, M.A.

Sept.26, 2014

It’s Important to have Priorities


Seems like I am just learning how to really prioritize the important things in my life. As much as we think we prioritize we really don’t. 

Just what does it mean to prioritize and how do we get there with the entire list of things going on in our lives on a daily basis? Feeling productive is a wonderful feeling and sometimes we do things just to be busy rather than effective. A good way to start is learning and knowing exactly what is important. 

Is making money important or is eating a balanced meal more important. I would have to say the best place to start with prioritizing is first to take charge of your health. This is one area that I prioritize more than anything by going to the gym, eating the right foods, balancing out sleep and work and finding time to enjoy life intimately and recreationally.  If we have a balanced homeostasis then we wouldn’t feel so overburdened, rushed and confused. Also being clear emotionally is key to creating balance and clarity.

Prioritizing means you’re determined to get things done that are most important. Some people tend to do all the little things first and save the big most important thing for last. What generally happens is that all the little chores eat your energy away, so a big part of prioritizing is conserving yourenergy. Even though we need to get the little things done at some point to clear the list it is important to be honest with yourself and learn to tackle those big projects first. Key: know what it is, break it down, and prioritize by urgency.

Begin by making a list of all the things your normally do in one day. Then add the projects that need your attention and all the little things to follow. Remember writing things down on paper is the key to getting things done so that you remove them from your mind and keep a clear focus of just what needs to be done. Mark with numbers the things that need your attention urgently. Have a chalk board in your home office with the list and red markers to indicate the most important things. Assign your tasks due dates. You will be more productive when you give yourself a time frame.

Focusing is a big part of the process and multitasking is as well. Make a schedule with days and times for exactly when this task needs to be finished.  

Schedule the top things to be done in the morning when you have the most energy. Remember to keep your body fueled with good food so you won’t burn out. Figure out when you are at your best focus. For some it’s the early morning or mid afternoon and then there are the night owls.

Being flexible is a big part of it because other interruptions and emergencies may get in the way. So always keep a clear slate and other days available for those unexpected things that get in the way. There also may be days you are just not feeling well, so keeping that in mind. Another key to prioritizing is discipline and willpower. The staying power of getting the job done in the time necessary.

Time is a big factor when it comes to getting things done. Many of us take advantage of time that it runs right by us. Start by honoring the time in the day that you are gifted with and let this be your guide for staying on top of things.Oh and remember to wear a watch instead of your cell phone being your guidance which can be distracting at times.




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