Monday, September 15, 2014

Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters Endorses Jeffrey Prang for Los Angeles County Assessor

Los Angeles, CA – The Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) – which has supported pro-environment municipal candidates in Los Angeles County for more than three decades – today announced its endorsement of Jeffrey Prang for Los Angeles County Assessor in the November 2014 elections.

“Jeff Prang is uniquely qualified to restore public confidence in the Assessor’s office, by reforming and modernizing its functions and ensuring that taxpayers are getting the service they deserve," said LALCV President Tom Eisenhauer. “He's proven himself to be effective administrator and innovative leader, and he shares the values of L.A. County taxpayers."

Prang is an experienced public administrator, having served in the Assessor’s Office twice - first, in the 1990s under Assessor Kenneth P. Hahn, and currently in the reform administration - and in other senior roles in municipal agencies. On the West Hollywood City Council and as Mayor, Prang has established a strong record of fiscal responsibility and pro-environment leadership. For example, West Hollywood is one of the only cities in California with an AAA bond rating and a strong budget surplus. Also, Prang led the fight for water conservation, alternative-fuel vehicles, bike accommodation and bike lanes, and other environmental priorities.

About the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters

Founded in 1976, the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters (LALCV) is dedicated to electing municipal leadership in Los Angeles County to preserve, protect and enhance the environment. LALCV has helped elect more than 100 pro-environment officials throughout the county. LALCV endorsements are determined by its all-volunteer Board, which is composed of Los Angeles County residents committed to advancing environmental priorities. For more information on LALCV, its endorsements and its additional political activities, visit - and sign up for occasional email updates. And to get the latest LALCV news, please find us onFacebook and follow us on Twitter.

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