Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hagel Speaks With Egyptian Defense Minister

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel spoke this morning with Egyptian Minister of Defense Colonel General Sedki Sobhy, Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby said.

In a statement summarizing the discussion, Kirby said the defense secretary confirmed to Sobhy that the U.S. plans to deliver 10 AH-64 Apache helicopters to Egypt to support their counterterrorism efforts.

The men also discussed regional security in the Middle East and North Africa and the U.S. led coalition to counter-ISIL, the press secretary added.

Hagel thanked Sobhy for Egypt's role in brokering a cease fire to end the Gaza crisis.

"The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a strong bilateral relationship and agreed to continue to engage regularly," Kirby said. 

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