Thursday, September 4, 2014

EM’s First Business Opportunity Forum Draws over 70 People


EM Acquisition and Project Management Deputy Assistant Secretary Jack Surash discusses EM's acquisition program during Thursday's forum.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than 70 people today gathered at a public forum to gain insight into EM's federal procurement process and upcoming business opportunities in the legacy nuclear cleanup program.

   EM Acquisition and Project Management Deputy Assistant Secretary Jack Surash led the interactive outreach event, guiding the audience through a "wealth of information" about EM's many contract opportunities publicly available on EM's website — including a "Doing Business with DOE/EM" section — and on

   Surash stressed that the cleanup program works to be transparent, providing as much information about acquisitions as possible while choosing proposals that represent the best value to taxpayers.

   "I want to be as open and transparent as possible," Surash said, adding that people can schedule visits with him at his office to discuss questions about working with EM. "I do my best to ensure the playing field is level."

   Abe Zeitoun, a forum participant, said Thursday's event was a step in the right direction for EM's new forum series.

   "It was a very good start to give a good, transparent forum to contractors to tell them the future, the forecast, and what's expected in the future of contracting with EM," Zeitoun said. "It's a good way of communicating with contractors."  

   Throughout the forum, Surash answered dozens of questions from participants about upcoming procurements, EM's various contract vehicles, and other topics.


Surash answers questions from participants during the forum.

   Surash told the attendees EM has a significant amount of work for contractors, and that the cleanup program is seeking the best companies that provide the best value to taxpayers.

   "There is a lot of work to do here in the Office of Environmental Management," he said. "We want the firm that actually provides the best proposal." He later added: "Let the best proposal win, period."

   Displaying a timeline on a large screen, Surash explained several important steps EM has taken over the years to improve EM's contract and project management, such as when EM launched construction project reviews in 2009.

   "This is a journey, not a destination. There have been lots of improvements and there are more to come," he said.

   Surash also showed the participants EM's major procurements webpage, which has a "huge amount of information."

   He emphasized that small businesses are an important component of EM's accomplishments, as more than $400 million, or 7 percent, of its obligated funds went to small business prime contract awards in fiscal year 2014, which closes at the end of this month.

   The event was organized by EM's Office of Acquisition and Project Management.

   EM plans to host the forum approximately each quarter. Topics will focus on how DOE is improving its acquisition and contract management and the status of ongoing and upcoming procurement opportunities. 

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