Monday, September 22, 2014

DoD Plans No Review, Investigation of DoD-NFL Relationship

By Jim Garamone
DoD News, Defense Media Activity

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has not ordered review or investigation of the Defense Department's relationship with the National Football League, Pentagon Press Secretary Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby said today.
"There is no study being done by the Pentagon on the National Football League or our involvement with the National Football League," Kirby said at a news conference today. "Secretary Hagel, just like every leader in this building, is monitoring the situation ongoing with the NFL."
The NFL has been rocked by controversy recently surrounding its handling of players involved in domestic violence incidents.
High expectations
"No one takes issues of violence or sexual assault more seriously than DoD, Kirby said. "We have more work to do, and we know that. "We also have high expectations ... of organizations that we partner with. And so the secretary is viewing with concern what he has seen the National Football League go through. That's why he's asking questions about the full scope of our interaction with them."
DoD has many contacts with the NFL, running from service members who present the colors at football games to serious research into concussions and traumatic brain injury that service members and football players suffer in common.
"I think the secretary just wants to get a sense of the depth and the scope of the interaction," Kirby said. "That's all that's going on. It's not a review."

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