Friday, September 12, 2014

DoD Leaders Honor Retiring Armed Services Chairmen

By Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.

DoD News, Defense Media Activity

JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL, Va., Sept. 12, 2014 - Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, honored two distinguished public servants during a farewell ceremony here today.

Click photo for screen-resolution image
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, left, prepares to present awards to Sen. Carl M. Levin, center, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, during a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Va., Sept. 12, 2014. DoD photo by Army Sgt. 1st Class Tyrone C. Marshall Jr.
(Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available.

The Pentagon's two senior leaders were joined by guests, family and friends as they honored Sen. Carl M. Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, after more than 50 combined years of public service.

"Thank you all for being here to help us honor two remarkable American leaders," Hagel said. "Two public servants who have devoted their careers, their lives to protecting America's security and supporting all of those who serve our country in uniform."

Levin, McKeon support the military

With increasing pressure to reduce defense budgets, the defense secretary said, in a volatile and complex world where the gears of government seem to move ever more slowly, Chairman Levin and Chairman McKeon have worked tirelessly to provide the Defense Department the resources it needs to do its job.

"They've helped make our military stronger and our country more secure through their leadership on defense issues and their commitment to our troops and our nation," Hagel said.

The secretary credited the two chairmen for ensuring that Congress continues its tradition of passing a national defense authorization act every year.

"Given the paralysis and the gridlock that has stricken our nation's capital in recent years, that is not a minimal achievement," Hagel said. "It also represents a commitment to responsible and accountable governance -- the kind you'd expect from two leaders whose careers in public service date back to their time in their local city councils."

Levin 'puts his country first'

Hagel lauded Levin for his 36 years of service on the SASC as either chairman or the ranking member.

"He is as dedicated a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee as it has ever had," the secretary said of Levin. "A recent example of that dedication was his recent trip ... a few days ago to Ukraine, Iraq and Jordan."

Levin "is the kind of elected leader America will always need," Hagel said. "The kind I hope -- we all hope -- America will always have. The kind of leader who always does what he believes is the right thing for his country. He puts his country first."

McKeon fought for service members

As an Army grandparent, the secretary said, Rep. McKeon has always fought hard to provide service members and their families with the resources and support they need and deserve to accomplish their mission.

"And after nearly 20 years in the House Armed Services Committee," Hagel said of McKeon, "he's been among Congress' strongest advocates for ensuring that our military has the capabilities to meet the complex and challenging threats it faces today and will face in the future."

McKeon recently returned from a trip to Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco, showing that he's "demonstrating his absolute commitment to our country and our military right to the end of his career," Hagel said.

Unique, admired American leaders

"That's why both of these unique American leaders are so highly regarded and admired," the secretary said. "They're not only admired in our country, but throughout the world."

Hagel added, "The Department of Defense and all its people will always be grateful for what Chairman Levin and Chairman McKeon have done for them and our nation."

Dempsey expressed gratitude for being able to represent service members and their families at the farewell ceremony.

"I'm mindful of the fact that as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff there's many things that I've got to do," the chairman said. "But there's also a handful of things that remind me what a privilege it is that I get to do."

Dempsey said he is honored "to represent the men and women that serve America's armed forces in uniform and their families in thanking two great patriots and American leaders. I'm mindful of the great privilege it is to do so."

World's finest military

The general saluted what the two retiring chairmen have done for the U.S. military.

"It occurred to me that what you've really done for America's armed forces is to make sure that we remain the best -- the best by far," Dempsey said.

"We overmatch, we dominate, we're just the best," the chairman said. "We're the best musicians. We're the best infantrymen. We're the best Coast Guardsmen, sailors, airmen, Marines. We're the best logisticians. We're the best fighters. We're the best -- period."

That doesn't happen by accident, said Dempsey, noting it happens with the kind of partnership the defense secretary mentioned.

Champions of national defense

"Both of these leaders have been absolutely steadfast champions of our nation's defense and of those who serve in uniform," the chairman said. "They will be missed by those of us who've been privileged to serve with them."

Dempsey added, "For more than five decades of combined service, these two remarkable public servants have worked to overcome the difficulties inherent in the defense of this nation."

Levin's and McKeon's leadership, the chairman said, has helped make America's military the best-led, -trained and -equipped in the world -- ever.

"Chairmen ... on behalf of our men and women in uniform and their families, just let me simply thank you for leadership [and] for all you've done for our nation," Dempsey said.

"Your devotion to the men and women of the joint force will continue resonate throughout the ranks," he added. "We will proudly be part of your congressional legacy."

Troops represent 'best of this country'

During his remarks, Levin noted he never served in the military, so he joined the SASC and has learned "the men and women in uniform represent the best of this country."

"I've seen the incredible courage of our men and women who've been in battle, been in harm's way, putting on the uniform of this country so proudly," he said.

Levin said he'd also witnessed wounded service members' "fierce determination to carry on and to go back, if possible, into harm's way."

The senator also lauded service members' strong loyalty, and pointed to it as a "determination ... so great that it should be an inspiration to every American."

Military members' service inspires the nation, Levin said.

"Men and women in uniform," he said, "your courage, your bravery, your dedication, your loyalty to each other is a huge source of unity in a country which desperately needs unifying factors."

Gratitude for service members, families

McKeon also expressed his gratitude to the military and their families for their sacrifices.

"I represent a large district in California," he said. "But I've always thought of every man and woman in uniform and their families as my constituents."

Before World War 1, McKeon said, the Germans were considered to have the best army in the world.

The congressman shared a brief anecdote from a German general following the war who said he had fought in more than 80 battles against armies from Russia, Serbia, Britain, France, Romania and America.

"'I have found your American Army the most honorable of all enemies,'" McKeon quoted the German general as saying. "'You have been the bravest of our enemies.'"

"To this day, you wear the uniform of the finest military in the world," McKeon said. "I believe you stand here as the finest military on this earth in history.

"Through your blood and sweat, you have earned eternal gratitude from your fellow Americans, envy from fellow nations, and fear from your enemies," he continued. "It's been the greatest honor of my life to serve you in Congress. You have my sincerest thanks."

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