Wednesday, September 24, 2014

City of #WestHollywood to Host Final Workshop for New Public Gathering Places in the Design District


Final Design Presentation Will Take Place

At Community Workshop on Sept. 29



WEST HOLLYWOOD, September 24, 2014 – The City of West Hollywood is inviting people to its final workshop in a series of public meetings, which will help provide design input regarding three new public gathering spaces in the West Hollywood Design District.

The final workshop will take placeon Monday, September 29, 2014, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., at the West Hollywood Library Community Meeting Room, located at 625 N. San Vicente Boulevard. Validatedparking will be available at the West Hollywood Park five-story public parking structure.

The City’s Long Range and Mobility Planning Division has hosted a series of workshops and pop-up events throughout the summer to engage neighborhood residents and community members in envisioning the future of three public spaces located at: 1) Melrose Avenue/Norwich Drive; 2) Beverly Boulevard/Bonner Drive; and 3) Robertson Boulevard, north of Melrose Avenue. The public spaces are identified in the West Hollywood Design District Streetscape Master Plan, adopted by the West Hollywood City Council in summer 2013.

The launch workshop on Sunday, June 22, 2014 kicked off with a presentation on the design elements that make for great public spaces and included a walk-through to the future public gathering spaces. In July, the City held pop-up events to engage community members in the review of design schemes for the spaces. This final workshop will be an opportunity for people to review the preferred design schemes, provide feedback, and help to select a materials palette.

For more information about the West Hollywood Design District Streetscape Master Plan, including information on the series of workshops, please

To get involved or for additional information — or if you would like to share your ideas, but cannot attend the workshop — please contact Georgia Sheridan at the City of West Hollywood at (323) 848-6357or at


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