Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Can the Constitution Save our Nation?

By Tom Dowdy

For 227 years, the Constitution has been the supreme Law of the Land.   All of our military and elected officials swear to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.    Up until recently, this has been the foundation of all our government.    Now it seems there are those in our government that either refuse to adhere to what they have sworn to do or simply ignore the oath they agreed to.

The question now comes down to, how do we force these oath takers to follow their own words?

The answer lies in the Constitution itself.    Article V gives the citizens the right through the states to propose amendments to this Constitution.    Amendments used to stop this over reaching government.   Amendments that will apply term limits on all elected and non-elected officials.   Amendments to rein in the power of this out of control corrupt government.   Amendments can reduce the size of our government and its bureaucratic departments.    Amendments that stop the EPA, DO Energy, DO Commerce,  DO Education, Bureau of land Management form writing rules that have the force of Law.


Ask you state legislator to back an application for an Article V Amending Convention.


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