Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Airstrikes Continue Against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

Compiled from U.S. Central Command News Releases

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 24, 2014 - U.S. military forces have continued to attack Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant terrorists in Iraq and Syria, using a mix of attack aircraft, bombers, fighters and remotely piloted aircraft to conduct eight airstrikes Sept. 22 through today, U.S. Central Command officials reported.

-- Two airstrikes west of Baghdad destroyed two ISIL armed vehicles and a weapons cache;

-- Two airstrikes southeast of Irbil, Iraq, destroyed ISIL fighting positions;

-- An airstrike in Syria, northwest of Qaim, damaged eight ISIL vehicles;

-- In two airstrikes conducted Sept. 22 as part of the operation over Syria, one damaged an ISIL armed vehicle and the other destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle southwest of Dayr Az Zawr; and

-- An airstrike northwest of Baghdad yesterday destroyed an ISIL armed vehicle.

All aircraft left the attack areas safely, Centcom officials said. To date, they added, Centcom has conducted 198 airstrikes across Iraq against ISIL, and along with partner nations, has conducted 20 airstrikes against ISIL in Syria.

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