Friday, August 29, 2014

President Obama Delivers an Update on the Economy, Iraq, and Ukraine

An Update on the Economy, Iraq, and Ukraine

At the White House yesterday afternoon, President Obama made a statement on a number of important issues ahead of his attendance at the NATO Summit in the United Kingdom next week.

The President first talked about the American economy, noting that it's growing "at a stronger clip" than predicted, and that we have more work to do to continue this momentum. He then discussed the current U.S. operations in Iraq, reiterating his commitment as Commander-in-Chief to "always do what is necessary to protect the American people and defend against evolving threats to our homeland."

President Obama concluded his statement addressing the situation in Ukraine, noting that the evidence is clear: "Russia is responsible for the violence in eastern Ukraine."

See more from the President's remarks here:

Learn more about the President's remarks yesterday.

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