Sunday, October 12, 2014


by Michael Douglas Carlin

When we give, we do it hand to hand, eye to eye, and heart to heart. We give of ourselves, and we expect nothing in return. Giving this way avoids disappointment. I can tell all of you that, on my many humanitarian missions, both domestically and abroad, I have mostly been warmly received. A number of times, I have been ridiculed for giving. Diminishing the expectations makes the ingratitude of a few an easier pill to swallow. Some have been downright hostile at the relief I have handed over. Some have questioned why I didn't give more. Giving can sometimes be painful. Sometimes we have to decide who gets the aid and who goes hungry. Embarking on a life of service can be a difficult decision, and it shouldn't be taken lightly.

Giving without expectation of receiving anything in return is the way that all giving should be done. There may not be gratitude at the other end of a relief mission. The people may be so shell-shocked from their ordeal; they may be embarrassed that they find themselves in such need; or they may wish that their lives were not so difficult. They may simply not have the energy to say, "Thank you." We can't expect anything in return on our missions or that would cheapen our gifts.

Discussing politics or religion is having expectations that they will give us something back. We discuss such topics when we expect them to change their views. We should not go into any person's home or country on a relief mission and tell them how to live or what to think. Discussing politics or religion on a relief mission can also put our lives in danger. I get that this book is filled with political dialogue, but when I am on a humanitarian mission, I don't have an agenda to sway anyone toward my views. I offer only my insights as something to think about, and I invite you all to further the discussion by developing a more refined plan to lead this Earth toward peace. Talk among yourselves about politics. Explore religion. Read. Write. Be shameless about making money. Be shameless about your causes. Move the conversations forward and adapt yourselves to the changing times. When we need to be warriors, we pull out our swords; when we need to rebuild, we wield hammers. All of us are looking forward to and working toward that day when all of our swords can be beaten into plowshares. All of us are the sacred guardians of every living creature upon the earth.

One of our Knights once said that "Knights do good shit." May each of us do all that we can to leave this world a better place by tirelessly doing "good shit." May all of that "good shit" lead us to our own little piece of heaven in this life while we are here on Mother Earth. Kneel a mortal and Rise with purpose and authority to carry out the responsibility of being one of the noble Knights who are the protectors of all that is sacred. The World needs Knights!


© 2014 Michael Douglas Carlin. All Rights Reserved.

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