Saturday, August 16, 2014


Bringing the South Pacific Islands Together with a Polynesian Festival/ Ho'olaulea, Tahitian Solo Dance Competition and the Largest Fireknife Dance Competition in North America.
Long Beach, CA - September 2014 - We are happy to announce our Weekend in Polynesia Event to be held on September 6 & 7 at Recreation Park 4900 East 7th Street, Long Beach,  CA sponsored by Pacific Talent Academy of the Arts (PTAA).
 For the past 11 years Pacific Talent Academy of the Arts has hosted the Largest Fire Knife Dance Competition in North America, bringing the best of Fire Knife Dancers from around the world. Preserving the legacy of the late Paramount Chief Olo Misilagi Letuli – the Father of the Fire Knife Dance who so loved his Polynesian entertainment.
 This year in the spirit of Fa'aitoito, which translates as "Keep the motivation and never give up" Pacific Talent Academy of the Arts continue to add to the festivities of their weekend. Our action packed weekend will include Tahitian Ori & Fire knife Dance Competitions, Hula exhibitions and more. Our weekend will bring you the "best of the best dancers" in the Polynesian community. All our festivities truly support our mantra of "raising the bar and fueling the passions of our NAHOPI People (Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders).
As in previous years, our competition will also have a Ho'olaulea' – Festival atmosphere featuring vendors selling island treasures giving our visitors a chance to shop until they drop.

The schedule for the weekend is:
Saturday – September 6, 2014

Opening Ceremony at 9 am
ITO Tahitian Ori Solo Dance Competition beings at 9 am 
Non-stop entertainment  and hula exhibitions from Polynesian dance groups from around the world.
Fire knife Dance Competition begins at dusk around 6:30 pm
Hula exhibition and other to perform between competitions
Sunday – September 6, 2014

Sunday Morning Praise and Worship Service 8:30 am
ITO International Tahitian Ori Solo Dance Competition Finals begin at 10 am Awards Ceremony immediately following the break
Non-stop entertainment  and hula exhibitions from Polynesian dance groups from around the world.
Fire knife Dance Competition begins at dusk around 6:30 pm
Awards ceremony immediately following the competition

Thank you, Mahalo, Fa'afetai and Mauruuru Roa in advance for your participation in this exciting 2 - day event.     If you would like more information about this event, need ticket information or to schedule an interview please contact Tui Letuli at 310-294-3841.
Please refer to for more in depth details of our event.


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