Thursday, August 21, 2014

OCTAE Welcomes Lul Tesfai

OCTAE is pleased to welcome Lul Tesfai who joined our staff as a special assistant in July.Before joining OCTAE, Tesfai was a policy consultant for the California Senate Office of Research. In this role, she evaluated how well the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation vocational training programs improved employment opportunities for ex-offenders and aligned with the workforce needs of state and regional economies. Tesfai began her career in education as a Teach For America corps member in San Francisco. Prior to attending graduate school, she was an educational consultant to the San Francisco Unified School District, where she helped to build and sustain student achievement growth in poor performing schools on the verge of closure. As a graduate fellow in the office of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, Tesfai worked on a number of education, urban, and social policy issues, including Chicago’s Cradle-to-Career Initiative. She is committed to ensuring educational equity for students of all ages and working to diminish the predictive power of demographics. Tesfai has a bachelor’s in political science and international studies from Northwestern University and a master’s in public policy from the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. In her free time, she enjoys rock climbing and trying out new Crock-Pot recipes.

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