Monday, September 22, 2014


by Michael Douglas Carlin

The holidays are in full swing. We have so many songs being sung of peace on earth and goodwill toward men. When we think about our roles in actually bringing about peace, we get that glazed-over look, because nobody taught us how to usher in an era of peace. Every year, we think about peace for a few months around this time, but we really all work on peace every day throughout the year.

I have seen peace, and it looks a lot like Century City. The 2010 Holiday Party in Century City is a collaboration of the Chamber, the Bar Association, and Rotary. These three organizations are the "nuts and bolts" of how peace will be achieved in our world.

The Chamber advocates business and facilitates relationship-building within the community to keep the engine of business flowing and functioning. Business is the engine that funds everything. Profits drive the flow of goods and services to fulfill needs and wants. Without the engine of business, we have scarcity that leads to conflict. Abundance, brought about by healthy business, is one of the keys to world peace.

The Bar is an association of lawyers. In America, there is no king, because here the law is king. Lawyers are the warriors who will forge a new world by legislating, litigating, advocating, judging, and innovating in ways that we cannot fathom to usher in the era of world peace. Lawyers are at every single intersection of bringing about this peace.

Rotary is a charity, and philanthropy is for those left behind by the law and business and for those that fall on hard times. The goal of philanthropy is to pick up the pieces and give a new start to people who have been left behind. Philanthropy is also at the intersection of creating world peace.

These three great sectors of life in America are what will lead us to world peace. As I have mentioned, I ride a motorcycle on the streets of Los Angeles. My experiences driving through traffic have shown me that we can and will usher in the era of world peace. The lines that are drawn keep traffic moving with an insignificant number of mishaps. Traffic and the laws that govern it in Los Angeles have led me to believe in world peace. Once the laws are drafted in every segment of society that keeps things moving, promotes the engine of business, and allows philanthropy to address unmet needs, we will usher in the era of world peace.

So, when you sing those songs about peace on earth and goodwill toward men, please think about the nuts and bolts of peace and do your part to embrace and usher it in.

The vision all comes together when the Beverly Hills High School Madrigal Singers begin singing in German, Spanish and Korean all at the same time. Three languages simultaneously sung in perfect harmony. Silent Night never sounded so good. Peace may be only a few generations away.

May you all continue to be a part of the next manifestation of the Peace Movement.

Happy Holidays!


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