Monday, August 25, 2014

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

As a concerned citizen, I believe changes are needed to the federal structure in Washington D.C.   Once the federal government started abusing its authority and ignoring the citizen's concerns, we started losing our freedoms.   Our only recourse is provided in Article V of the Constitution.

I believe citizens need to get involved.  We the people with our State Legislators, can call a convention of states for proposing amendments to the Constitution, to limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government.

I believe the way to preserve our liberties is through the Convention of States Project, launched by the Citizens for Self Governance Organization, to urge state legislators to call a Convention and ultimately change Washington's dangerous course.

As a concerned citizen, I am concerned over our irresponsible government and our nation's future.  Please consider joining us and others in supporting this grassroots movement so we can change the direction our country is going.  Visit our website,www.conventionofstate.comand states and facebook.comTexas convention of states.  We need the courage to stand up to Washington's power grab and preserve our nation's freedoms.

For Freedom,

Toula Anagnostis

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