Friday, August 15, 2014

ICYMI: California Alliance for Retired Americans and Social Security Works Jointly-Release New Report on Social Security’s Impact on California


ICYMI: California Alliance for Retired Americans and Social Security Works Jointly-Release New Report on Social Security’s Impact on California



San Francisco, CA — To mark the 79th anniversary of Social Security, area retirees with the California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA) celebrated this important birthday by holding a telephone press conference Thursday, August 14, 2014. The call included Eric Kingson, Co-chair of the Strengthen Social Security Coalition, Jodi Reid, Executive Director of the California Alliance for Retired Americans, andPauline Brooks and Andrea Gorman, vice-presidents on the CARA board.

Our nation faces an impending retirement income crisis. More than half of today’s working Americans are not expected to have sufficient resources to maintain their standard of living in retirement. Social Security, which provided benefits to 5,414,499 Californians in 2013 is essential in addressing this issue.

“Social Security is a family program,” Reid said on the call. “Although the bulk of beneficiaries are over age 65, there are children who received benefits, people with disabilities who receive benefits, widows and widowers who receive benefits, and of course the family members of all of these people who depend on Social Security to provide support and independence.” 

 “Today, it is time to expand the Social Security system,” said Kingson. “Its modest benefits are just $14,006 a year. The reality is that for young and middle aged people working today, two thirds are moving towards retirements where they will not be able to sustain their standard of living. We’re a rich nation and we can afford to join the other industrialized nations in providing an even more secure foundation for our older people, for our children, and for all of us who face risks in the workforce.” 

Full audio of the call here: California Alliance for Retired Americans Social Security Birthday Call



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