Friday, August 15, 2014


            I went out to lunch with a dear friend a few weeks back, and he seemed a little loopy. I even talked to his boss about it, and he had noticed it too. Sometime later, my friend was driving with his wife somewhere, and she asked if he thought he should stop for the red light. He wasn't paying attention, but, upon being reminded about the upcoming red light, he did indeed stop. She insisted that he go to the emergency room. A battery of tests later, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was sent to the operating room, where he underwent a six-hour surgery. The brain surgeon was a close personal friend of his wife and reached out to get the best care available. My friend awoke in the recovery room never having been aware that he had needed surgery, because his wife had taken charge of his life and had navigated him through this life-altering event. I was asked to drive him to a party on New Year's Eve and was happy to be of service.


This was the first time that I had ever remembered meeting his wife. She was obviously such an incredible partner to him. I heard the story from both of them, and they looked so lovingly at each other as they told about recent events. They were like a couple of teenagers, in love, and battling to keep the team safe. The party was a Hollywood event. Scantily-clad women braved the winter air showing off their wares. The shallow conversation was in stark contrast to the meaningful conversation on the ride over. The lust was in equally strong contrast to the deep and abiding love that I came to understand as the chauffeur.


There is a deeper meaning to all of it. There is a higher plane. When things go awry, as they always will, it is comforting to know that we are not alone. My friend has always talked about his beautiful wife. He keeps her hidden away from Hollywood and for good reason. He shelters her from the emptiness that surrounds him on a daily basis as he comes home to his piece of heaven on earth. They are not religious. They are just two people who would do anything for each other and have proven it time and again.


The thrill of the chase that was in the air that night as the party roared on has long since passed. I doubt anything meaningful came about because of the assemblage of people all putting their best foot forward. When we left, the only meaningful relationship was out the door, and somehow everyone there longed for something that deep.


I think about the Eagles song: Take it to the Limit. "When the bright lights faded to blue, they were all alone. Thinking 'bout a woman that might have loved me and I never knew." To paraphrase, I can spend all my time making money, or I can spend all my love making time.


Last night, I was invited over and had another look at this incredible couple. The woman was providing detailed instructions about the anti-nausea pill to be taken before the chemo pill. He just beamed from the attention. They are such a cute couple and still battling to keep the team safe.


I got home to my empty apartment. It wasn't long before the phone began ringing. I was updating my Facebook page when I saw a small thumbnail picture that melted me. When the midnight call came in, I made a conscious choice not to answer. I chose to be alone with hopes that a higher plane beckons. I chose to be true to my feelings rather than cave in to base desires. I don't know where all of this leads, but I am hopeful that it leads to a life building a future with an amazing woman.


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