Tuesday, October 14, 2014


by Michael Douglas Carlin

This is a reality check; why do you give? I have sat in heated meetings about giving. Why should they be heated? Here are resources and there is need. Match the resources to the need and go home. That isn't how it is done in most organizations.

I recently attended a meeting where a piece of equipment was to be shipped to a small town where a need had been identified. I sat through an hour of complaints about the process and about setbacks. I couldn't stand it anymore. I finally chimed in. "I am not sure that I have any further information after an hour of listening to you." I had brought a shipper to the table who was willing to do the shipping free of charge. I will never really know the reason, but the offer was declined. I guess I really do know the reason.

When I was quite young, I saw a bee in our pool swimming for its life. I interceded and reached down to pull that bee to safety. I remember my mom laughing at me, as she knew what would happen next. To her credit, she didn't get involved. Sure enough, I attempted to save the bee's life and was stung. The bee, in stinging me, lost its life. This was my first illustration of the "no good deed goes unpunished" doctrine.

That doesn't stop us from having big hearts. That doesn't stop us from wanting to help. Enlightened giving helps us give more purposefully and takes out the sting.


© 2014 Michael Douglas Carlin. All Rights Reserved.

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