Sunday, August 17, 2014

Everyone Should Be Able to Afford Higher Education

Weekly Address: Everyone Should Be Able to Afford Higher Education
In this week's address, with schools getting ready to open their doors again over the next few weeks, the President talked directly to students and parents about the importance of preparing for an education beyond high school.

In today's economy, some higher education continues to be the surest ticket to the middle class, but for too many families across the country, paying for higher education is a constant struggle. The President and First Lady know this first hand -- they only finished paying off their student loans 10 years ago -- and that's why they have made it a priority to help make college more affordable for families.

They have taken action to reform student loans, expand grants and college tax credits, help make loan payments more manageable, and have proposed plans to make sure colleges also do their part to bring down costs. And just this week, as part of the President's Year of Action, the administration announced a new series of commitments to support students who need a little extra academic help getting through college.
Click here to watch this week's Weekly Address.
Watch: President Obama delivers the weekly address


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