Monday, September 22, 2014


by Michael Douglas Carlin

Confusion is the Enemy of World Peace

If you want world peace, then stop being confused. Confusion truly is the enemy of peace. The more people cling to clarity and order, the more we are going to have peace and prosperity. One of the foundations of this is the rule of law. Having order and knowing what is expected of us in society provide us with the methodology to achieve order and world peace.

Golda Meir said: "We will have peace when Arabs love their children more than they hate Jews." The reality is that we will have world peace when people everywhere love their children more than they love or hate ________________. (Insert your thoughts.)

Confusion in many cases leads to profit. I have seen this in Hollywood on movie sets. The more confusion there is on a project, the more money there is to be made. The movie usually suffers in the process, but the players who create the confusion usually profit. Complicated scene? Order more lighting equipment, hire more people, pay overtime.

Many companies have confused patent structures to profit. They can litigate against any potential competitors and keep them tied up in the court system to keep technology that would benefit humanity from coming to market. Keep the courts confused, and you can even get additional rulings that solidify your position even if there is absolutely no legal merit to your case.

War, especially civil war, is the ultimate confusion. Infrastructure is decimated, and confusion ensues that spirals downward into an unending cycle until services are restored. All of the trauma causes a continuing cycle of confusion that improves only after a number of generations of stability.

Courts are meant as relief valves for society. They are also very important halls of order, or at least they should be. Courts keep conflicts from becoming emotional and violent. They are sacred halls, in which logic and reason should always rule the day. Courts are the sacred keepers of the rule of law.

But, America isn't perfect. The Constitution says " order to form a more perfect union..." Our country is constantly improving. We ebb and flow from crisis to prosperity and back to crisis. But we keep moving forward. We are constantly learning from our wonderful human experience.

So, when somebody, anybody, says that they are confused, please don't buy into their confusion. It won't lead you to good places. Work hard to learn everything that you can so that you are not confused, and you will contribute to world peace.


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