Saturday, August 16, 2014

Assemblymember Medina Commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Panama Canal

International Trade Changes Forever


Assemblymember Jose Medina (D-Riverside), Chair of the Assembly Jobs, Economic Development, and the Economy Committee hosted a reception to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the completion of the Panama Canal.
"Having attended high school in the Panama Canal Zone, I am honored to commemorate the centennial of the Panama Canal," said Assemblymember Jose Medina. "I recognize the integral economic impact and beneficial trade relationship that exists between California and Panama."
The completion of the Panama Canal spurred international trade and innovation. With the foresight of this project, there has been an increase in international trade, strengthened global goods movement network, and a rise in new investments by foreign businesses and entrepreneurs to California's economy.

Assemblymember Medina authored House Resolution 44, which acknowledges the benefits of this project and the trade relationships between California and Panama. Last month, Medina presented House Resolution 44 to the National Assembly of Panama as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama, during a Central American delegation of state lawmakers.

Website of Assemblymember Jose Medina:


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