Monday, September 22, 2014

A Revolutionary Resolution in Philadelphia

by Randy Pomponio
Fairmount Water Works   Randy Pomponio with representatives from: Philadelphia City Council, Clean Water Action, Tookany/Tacony Frankford Watershed Partnership, Sustainable Business Network
EPA's Randy Pomponio with representatives from: Philadelphia City Council, Clean Water Action, Tookany/Tacony Frankford Watershed Partnership, Sustainable Business Network
One does not have to look far to find history in the City of Philadelphia.  Whether it's the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the Betsy Ross House, or America's first zoo, Philadelphia has played a pivotal role throughout our nation's history.
Earlier this year, Philadelphia again made history when its City Council unanimously passed a resolution, sponsored by Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, supporting EPA's and the Army Corps of Engineers' proposed Waters of the U.S. ruleclarifying streams and wetlands protected under the Clean Water Act.  This environmentally historic event gives Philadelphia the distinction of being the first U.S. city to pass such a resolution in support of clean water.
On August 6, I was privileged to be part of an event recognizing this important milestone at  Philadelphia's historic Fairmount Water Works.  As I shared the stage with members of Philadelphia City Council; Clean Water Action; theTookany/Tacony Frankford Watershed Partnership; and the Philadelphia Sustainable Business Network, I was reminded of the type of diverse partnership that called for additional clarity in defining protected waters.
While the Clean Water Act has protected our right to safe and pristine waters for more than 40 years, determining protections under the Act for streams and wetlands became confusing and complex following Supreme Court decisions in 2001 and 2006.  Many different entities representing local governments, industry, and environmental groups asked EPA for clarification of what is a "water of the United States."  The proposed rule responds to the request and is designed to clear the confusion and provide a more definitive explanation.
This is critical because the health of our larger water bodies – our rivers, lakes, bays and coastal waters depends on the network of streams and wetlands where they begin.  These streams and wetlands benefit all of us by trapping floodwaters, removing pollution, recharging groundwater supplies and providing habitat for fish and wildlife.  They're also a source for outdoor recreation activities, providing essential economic benefits.  One in three Americans and more than 1.5 million Philadelphians get at least some of their drinking water directly or indirectly from seasonal, headwaters, or rain dependent streams.
The City of Philadelphia and its partners made history in promoting clean water. Your input can help ensure that future generations enjoy a history of clean and healthy waters.   EPA is accepting public comments through October 20, 2014.

About the Author: Randy Pomponio is the Director of the EPA Region 3 Environmental Assessment & Innovation Division. He enjoys learning about our fascinating ecosystems and experiencing them through hiking, fishing, scuba diving, and best of all, sharing them with his children and grandchildren.

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