Monday, March 31, 2014


(This Article Appeared in the Volume 18, Issue 2 edition of Steps For Recovery)

The most common pets used are dogs and cats, but fish, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses and other farm animals are also used. Some programs take the animals directly to the patients; others take those with behavioral issues out of their normal surroundings and introduces them to a farm setting.

Dogs and cats in particular, however, go through a screening process to ensure that the animal has the right temperament and obedience training before being introduced into a therapeutic environment.

The Effect of Animals

While science still works to explain how animals affect a person’s emotions and health, psychologists have learned the following:

1) Animals foster and teach empathy. People are able to relate to animals because an animal’s world and perspective of the world is really simple. Their moods are easier to read than humans.

2) Animals draw those with mental illness or low self-esteem issues out of themselves by encouraging them to focus on someone or something other than themselves.

3) Animals bring out a nurturing instinct. Normally this ability is learned from parents, but even those who did not have a nurturing upbringing can learn to nurture from caring for an animal.

4) Animals foster an emotionally safe, non-threatening communication between a client and their therapist. The impression is given that the therapist can be trusted because the animal trusts him or her.

5) Animals accept people as they are. They don’t base their affection on looks or money or possessions. An animal’s affection is unconditional and they do not play head games.

6) Animals are a source of entertainment. Anyone who has watched a dog romp with a ball or a cat play with a ball of yarn or laser pointer or other pet interactions can make people laugh.

7) Animals make people feel good.

8) Animals provide mental stimulation through increased communication with others, memories and entertainment. Animals brighten the atmosphere and decrease people’s feelings of isolation or alienation.

9) Studies have shown that animals actually decrease heart rates and blood pressure.

10) Studies have also shown that animal owners live healthier, longer lives than non-pet owners.

Animals have been shown to have calming effects on children with learning disorders and encourage learning, social interaction with other children, and attention.

Clearly, more research is necessary to figure out exactly why animals have such an impact on our lives, but it doesn’t take a scientist to tell us that animals can positively affect many lives in ways that we would never have thought possible.

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