(This Article Appeared in the Volume 18, Issue 2 edition of Steps For Recovery)
12 Step Web: 12stepsoberliving.com Email: Joellisa12step@aol.com.
Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization: (310) 534-1815, www.adultchildren.org.
ACA (Adult Child of Alcoholic or Dysfunctional Family) Phone Bridge Meeting Info Line, Toll Free: 877-783-7703 (877-STEPS-03). Web:
adultchildren.org. Contact Lisa at 818-445-9901
ADP California Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs (800) 879-2772. www.adp.ca.gov
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, 475 Riverside Dr, New York, NY 10115, (212) 870-3400. www.aa.org
American Council for Phoenix House Drug Education www.acde.org (800) 488-DRUG (3784)
Bilingual Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, (800) 548-2722 (24 Hour).
California Rehab Guide: Free On-Line Rehab Directory - www.calrehabguide.com
Child Protection Helpline, (800) 540-4000 (24 Hour).
National Substance Abuse Treatment Referral Hotline (800) 662-HELP (4357)
Cocaine Anonymous World Service Offices, (310) 216- 4444. www.ca.org
Codependents for friends and family of Sex Addicts, (COSA) (763) 537-6904, www.cosarecovery.org
County of Los Angeles Department of Mental Health (800) 854-7771, has complete listing of mental health providers at www.dmh.co.la.ca.us/providers/allprov.htm
Domestic Violence National (SAFE): (800) 799-7233 Crisis Hotline Bilingual 24 hr.
Families Anonymous (800) 736-9805 www.familiesanonymous.org
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) National Office (781) 932-6300. www.foodaddicts.org
HHS The U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, (877) 696-6775, www.dhhs.gov
IVDARS Recovery Centers, (free referrals) 800-870-2281. www.inlandrecovery.org
Jason Foundation A Youth Suicide Prevention Program (888) 881-2323, www.jasonfoundation.com
Literacy Hotline (800) 707-7323
Love Addicts Anonymous www.Loveaddicts.org
Marijuana Anonymous (800) 766-6779.
Nar-Anon Family Groups (800) 477-6291 www.nar-anon.org
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence Headquarters, (All NCADDs provide help & info and other alcohol/drug related services). www.ncadd.org
NCADI National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information, (800) 729-6686. www.ncadi.samhsa.gov
NCH National Coalition for the Homeless (202) 462- 4822, www.nationalhomeless.org
Nicotine Anonymous (877) TRY-NICA (879-6422)
Problem Gambling 24-Hour Help Line (Calif.) (800) Gambler or (800) 522-4700.
RAINN Hotline National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE (4673)
Rape Hotline (24 Hours) (800) 585-6231. www.elawe.org
Runaway Hotine (800) RUN-AWAY www.1800runaway.org
Sex Addicts Anonymous (800) 477-8191 www.saa-recovery.org
AA Los Angeles (323) 936-4343.
AA Los Angeles (Spanish) (323) 750-2038.
AA Meetings/Ala-non: Temple City (626) 286-9975.
Alcoholics Anonymous (SGV) Central Office (626) 914-1861.
Adult Children of Alcoholics South Bay (310) 320- 3931. www.adultchildren.org
Addicts for Christ Los Angeles (310) 452-4328. www.addictsforchrist.org
www.AddictionSearch.com: Resources & Information.
Al-Anon/Alateen LA County (818) 760-7122.
Al-Anon/Alateen Spanish, LA County, (562) 948-2190.
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office (818) 988-3001.
Alcoholics Anonymous Santa Clarita Valley Central Office: (661) 250-9922, www.scv-aa.org.
Anorexia & Bulimia - Overeaters Anonymous: (626) 335-3355. Inland Empire
Artists Meeting of Debtors Anonymous www.SoCalDA.org 310-822-7250.
AVYFS, Antelope Valley Youth And Family Services (661) 949-1069.
CCBCDC: California Certification Board of Chemical Dependency Counselors (562) 624-1111. www.CaliforniaCertificationBoard.org
CAARR California Association of Addiction Recovery Resources (916) 338-9460, www.caarr.org
CADCA Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of American (800) 54-CADCA.
CCPG California Council on Problem Gambling www.calproblemgambling.org (800) 522-4700.
Center for Living and Learning Job Search Preparation Program (888) 266-1919. Van Nuys. www.center4living.lle.org
Cocaine Anonymous World Service Office (310) 559- 5833. www.ca.org.
Clutterers Anonymous (310) 281-6064.
Cocaine Anonymous of the SFV, (818) 760-8402
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Los Angeles (323) 969-4995.
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous: (562) 942-8161.
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous: (818) 503-7484. www.valleyhow.org
Crystal Meth-Anonymous (213) 488-4455.
Crystal Meth-Anonymous Temple City (626) 286-9975.
Divorce Anonymous (SHARE) (310) 305-8878.
Double Trouble in Recovery (SHARE) (310) 305-8878.
Dual Diagnosis 12-Step Study Thursdays, (310) 305-8878.
Emotional Health Anonymous (SGV) (626) 287-6260.
Emotions Anonymous Info Line (323) 589-3768.
Emotions Anonymous (SFV) (818) 377-4341.
Eternal Grace: Christian Recovery Ministry (818) 769-7627.
Fear of Success Anonymous: FOSA. (818) 628-6873.
Food Addicts Anonymous www.foodaddictsanonymous.org
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) (800) 600-6028. Meeting info at www.foodaddicts.org
Friends helping Friends Inc: Homeless, No Money, We can help - Sober Living. (323) 293-9778.
Homeless Shelter for women Sunshine Mission, (213) 747-7419 www.sunshinemission.org
Gay & Lesbian Alcoholics Alcoholism Recovery Support www.gayalcoholics.com
Gay Treatment of drug alcohol abuse depression mental illness or anxiety. (323) 671-1600. www.AlternativesInc.com
Homeless Health Care Los Angeles www.hhcla.org, (213) 381-0515
INFO LINE community service referrals, shelter, food, medical, (800) 339-6993 or simply dial 211.
Latino Family Alcohol & Drug Abuse (323) 722-4529 www.chcada.org
Life Recovery: 12 Step-Christian Ministry, (310) 463- 4945. www.12steppin2jesus.com.
MADD Mother Against Drunk Drivers, (916) 921-6233.
Marijuana Anonymous Los Angeles (323) 964-2370.
Marijuana Anonymous Van Nuys (818) 759-9194.
Marijuana Anonymous Inland Empire (626) 583-9582.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) San Fernando Valley Chapter, Free Meetings (818) 994-6747
Narcotics Anonymous Southern California Regional Office (626) 359-0084.
Narcotics Anonymous (818) 773-9999.
Narcotics Anonymous Greater Hollywood AreaHelpline (323) 850-1624
Narcotics Anonymous of the SFV (818) 997-3822.
Narcotics Anonymous (West Valley) (818) 787-9706.
Narcotics Anonymous Westside (310) 390-0279.
Narcotics Anonymous, Temple City, (626) 286-9975.
Nicotine Anonymous (800) 642-0666
Obsessive Compulsive Support Group (SHARE) (310) 305-8878.
Overeaters Anonymous-Beach Cities (310) 374- 8533.
Overeaters Anonymous LA Intergroup (323) 653-7652. www.oalaig.org
Overeaters Anonymous 24 Hour (323) 653-7499.
Overeaters Anonymous - SFV Intergroup (818) 342-2222.
Overeaters Anonymous San Gabriel Valley Intergroup (626) 335-3355.
Overeaters Anonymous South Bay (562) 493-9030.
Pasadena Mental Health Center-Low fee counseling www.pmhc.org, (626) 798-0907 1495 Lake Ave. Pasadena
Pills Anonymous www.pillsanonymous.com
Parenting and Anger Management classes offered in Long Beach and Rosemead. Individual,Family, group, couples counseling. Court mandates
accepted. Call Dr. Williams (562) 290-7331.
Problem Gambling 24-hour Help (800) 322-8748 (CA only) (760) 320-0234.
Rageaholics Anonymous (310) 877-9899. Ask for Tom
Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic Los Angeles (323) 664-5525 or www.rfbdla.org
Recovery, Inc. Nervous Symptoms, Fears, Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, OCD (323) 651-2170.
Recovering CouplesAnon. www.Recovering-Couples.org
The Salvation Army Adult Rehab Center, 21375 Roscoe Blvd., Canoga Park, (818) 883-6321.
Salvation Army Long Beach Adult Rehabilitation Center. Men’s residential faith based program. No Cost to Participants,1370 Alamitos Ave., Long Beach, CA, 562-218-2355.
Secular Organization For Sobriety (323) 666-4295.
www.SerenityQuest.org promoting healing & growth.
Sex Addicts Anonymous (213) 896-2964.
Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous (323) 957-4881.
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) (310) 491-8845.
Sexual Compulsive Anonymous (310) 859-5585.
Sexual Recovery Anonymous (323) 850-8565.
S-Anon (Friends and Families of Sex Addicts) (818) 973-2235 or http://sanonsocal.org
SHARE For all other self-help groups (310) 305-8878.
Sober Living Network (310) 396-5270.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous (562) 630-6844. www.siawso.org
The Other Bar: free. 12 step based peer recovery network for lawyers and law students with substance abuse problems 800-222-0767; otherbar.org
The Sober Living Network referral service (800) 799-2084.
Workaholics Anonymous (310) 358-6587.
Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous Los Angeles County. www.LACYPAA.org
2-1-1- Orange County, referrals for alcohol/drug,shelters for homeless, food, domestic violence, child abuse. Call 211 or 888-600-4357. www.211oc.org
Adult Children of Alcoholics (714) 549-5733.
Alcohol/Drug Education Prevention Team (ADEPT),(714) 834-4058.
AA Central Office (562) 595-7831. www.oc-aa.org
AA Satalite Office Mission Viejo, (949) 582-2697.
AA Central Office of Camarillo, (805) 495-1111.
Al-Anon (714)748-1113.
ASH (Alcoholic Services for Homosexuals) (714) 534-5820 (24 Hour).
Battered Women’s Helpline (714) 891-8121.
CODA (Co-dependents Anonymous), (714) 573-0174.
Family Alcohol/Drug Counseling Center, (805) 988-1031.
HER PLACE: Paths to Recovery for Women: Non-Profit Counseling and Groups, Laguna Hills (949) 707-5111.
Hispanic Alcoholism Services, (714) 531-4624.
Marijuana Anonymous, (714) 999-9409.
Narcotics Anonymous Hotline, (805) 641-0451.
New Beginnings Fellowship Center Sober Club- 12- Step (714) 839-5501.
Overcomers Outreach (Christian 12-Step Support group) (800) 310-3001.
Overeaters Anonymous (714) 953-0900.
Rape Crisis Hotline, (714) 957-2737.
Recovery Solutions: (714) 542-3581.
SPIN: Serving People In Need, Non-profit. Assists homeless or low-income newly recovering alcoholics & addicts, with housing, transportation, medical, clothing, dental, job search, education, etc. (714) 751-1101. www.spinoc.org
Alcoholics Anonymous (909) 825-4700.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Temecula (951) 695-1535.
Narcotics Anonymous Southern California RegionalOffice (626) 359-0084.
Narcotics Anonymous Helpline (800) 397-2333.
Narcotics Anonymous Helpline (909) 370-3568.
Narcotics Anonymous 24 hr. Helpline (909) 584-7115.
Narcotics Anonymous Desert Empire (760) 255-2045.
Narcotics Anonymous Barstow (760) 346-5800.
Narcotics Anonymous Southwest (951) 652-5326.
Salvation Army Adult Rehab (909) 889-9605.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (619) 287-7782.
Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office (619) 265-8762.
Al-Anon (619) 296-2666.
Children of the Night (800) 551-1300.
Co-Dependents Anonymous, meetings (619) 222-1244.
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous HOW (619) 543-8961.
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) Hotline (866) 239-2911.
Narcotics Anonymous Central Office (619) 584-1007.
Nicotine Anonymous (619) 682-7092.
Rape Crisis (858) 272-1767.
San Diego City Help, non-profit support group for persons with herpes. (619) 491-1194.
Salvation Army Rehab Center, (619) 239-4037.
Sex Addicts Anonymous (760) 736-0644.
Sexaholics Anonymous (858) 495-2446.
Suicide/Crisis Intervention (800) 479-3339.
Alcoholics Anonymous, (602) 264-1341; East (480) 834-9033; West (623) 937-7770.
Cocaine Anonymous, (602) 279-3838.
Domestic Violence Shelter: (800) 799-7739 or (602)263-8900.
E.D.A.(Eating Disorders Anonymous) www.eatingdisordersanonymous.org
Gamblers Anonymous (602) 266-9784.
Gam-anon (480) 893-2729 or (480) 598-1226
Narcotics Anonymous, Meeting info. (480) 897-4636, www.arizona-na.org
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Dependence, 4201 N. 16th St., Suite 140, Phoenix 85016, (602) 264-6214.
Overeaters Anonymous (602) 234-1195.
NCADD San Gabriel & Pomona Valleys, (626) 331-5316.
NCAAD of Pasadena, (626) 795-9127.
NCAAD of Sacramento, (916) 922-9217
NCADD of South Bay Area, (310) 328-1460.
NCADD of Long Beach, (562) 426-8262.
NCADD of Santa Clarita Valley (6661.253.9400 .
NCADD of the San Fernando Valley, (818) 997-0414
NCADD of Orange County (949) 770-0847.
NCADD of San Diego (619) 553-8173.
NCAAD of San Francisco, (415) 296-9900.
NCAAD of San Jose (408) 292-7292.
NCAAD of Santa Barbara, (805) 963-1433
NCAAD of Tulare, (559) 688-2994
AIM HealthCare Foundation, physical & emotional needs of those who work in adult entertainment (818) 981-5681.
Battered Women/Children Hotline, (818) 887-6589.
Because I Love You, Nationally Known Parent And
Teen Support Group. (818) 882-4881or www.bily.org
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Information (626) 793-7350.
San Fernando Valley Counseling Center, affordable mental health services (818) 341-1111.
Jason Foundation A Youth Suicide Prevention Program (888) 881-2323, www.jasonfoundation.com
Suicide Prevention 24Hour Assessment Center (800) SUICIDE (784-2433).
Suicide Prevention Center (877) 727-4747
The Council of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (CADA) Drop-In Center (805) 962-6195, www.cadasb.org
Job Accommodation Centers, Toll Free 1-800-526- 7234 (voice & TDD).
RIDE INFO Paratransit Referral Service, transportation voucher program, (800) 431-7882.
Social Security & Medicare Eligibility, Info (800) 772-1213, TDD (800) 288-7185.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services, Info on General Relief, Aid to Families w/Dependent Children (AFDC), Food Stamps, MediCal and other forms for financial assistance, (213) 744-6623.
INFO LINE of Los Angeles, referrals to emergency food programs and emergency housing. (800) 339-6993 Also 211 (24 Hour). TDD (800) 660-4026.
24 Hour INFO Line Burbank/Glendale (818) 956-1100,
San Fernando Valley (818) 501-4447
California HIV/AIDS Hotline (800) 367-2437.Spanish (800) 400-7432.
Friends of AIDS Foundation (310) 401-4755. Referrals to HIV/AIDS programs and services in Los Angeles County.
National AIDS Hotline, (800) CDCINFO. (800) 344- SIDA (Spanish), (800) AIDS-TTY (TTD/TTY for deaf)
REACH (risk reduction education and community health) FREE HIV Prevention education and testing for HIV, HEP B&C and Syphilis. Referrals for substance abuse-etc., HIV+ or HIV- people in need. (866) 33-REACH, (714) 834-7926.
On-Line Resources for Hep C: www.hepcsource.com www.hepcstraightup.com • www.hepatitusc.org • www.hepatitusfree.com • www.hepnet.com • www.hepcnet.com
12 Step & Big Book Study (Hep C): www.hcvanonymous.org
BURBANK SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Christ-centered recovery program. Leaders needed now! Contact LaVivas for more info. (818) 848-7051, outreach@burbanksda.com
PRO-CARE HOSPICE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS to work with Patients and their families and to provide support to those facing a life-limiting illness. Linda Martinez at (818) 895- 8000. Sara Berman Rabbi/Chaplin
SHARE! the Self-Help And Recovery Exchange, a project of the Emotional Health Assoc, a CA. non-profit organization, is looking for volunteers. Bi-lingual English/Spanish helpful. Call Alison Douglas Mon.-Thurs. 10am-5pm (310) 305-8878.
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