The facts are irrefutable. Everybody has weighed in on this issue from the President of the United States to everyday folks on the streets of America. It is a highly emotional topic and examining the facts might lead us to better understand the America we live in.
George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin have sparked debate about race in America. There is pent up anger and all voices need to be heard. The FACTS are irrefutable. America imported humans that were bought sold and forced to a life of labor. America is also the country that declared "all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights that among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The conversation is healthy and it can be healing if we all confront our biases and vow to become more perfect. The opening words of the Constitution, "We the people in order to form a more perfect union," pretty much say it all. It wasn't perfect when it started, it isn't perfect now, but it is getting more perfect every day we decide to make it more perfect.
We can make the death of Trayvon Martin have meaning by ending racism forever. The world has never had a greater need for men and women to take a vow that they will not discriminate against any human for any reason. The world needs all of us to end racism by changing our own hearts. If every person in America took an oath not to discriminate racism would be ended forever. Over a thousand years ago men kneeled and took an oath to protect the vulnerable. They protected the roads. They lived chivalrous lives. They were Knights. Now the invitation is extended to all of America (men and women) to kneel take the oath and "Rise A Knight." Ask all of the people you know to kneel and take the oath so that we can all work to end racism forever.
I promise to protect the world and all of the vulnerable inhabitants. I promise to recognize nobility in others by their deeds and life of service and to empower them by Knighting them into the rogue order of Knights of Malta, or Hospitallers, the order of Humanity. I also promise not to discriminate against anyone based upon race, religion, creed, gender, handicap, or sexual preference. I recognize that our order has power and influence only because of all of our collective good deeds and I promise to work tirelessly to leave this world better than I found it. I also recognize that this gift of Knighthood is bestowed upon me without asking me for any recompense other than living a life of service. I promise that when I give any gift, including bestowal of Knighthood, that it shall be done without expecting anything in return. On any humanitarian missions I promise not to discuss politics or religion with any recipient and to never share my sacred oath with anyone who might trivialize it.
The book "Rise A Knight" is available online.
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