Sunday, October 5, 2008


This is not Socialism. 

In fact this is allowing the true "Free Market" Economy to function with checks and balances in place to ensure that all participants adhere to sound business principles. The sense of entitlement needs to be educated out of the American People. Nobody is owed influence but also nobody is anointed to influence. Anyone that has played a team sport in a competitive environment knows that each player must earn his or her position every single day. That keeps the team sharp and playing at the highest level.

By eliminating “Special Interest” influence out of Washington we restore the truly competitive engine of Capitalism. No longer will we have one company with an artificial leg up over their competition. We will make it easier for the ingenuity of the individual entrepreneur to bring their innovations to market. Too many of the big corporations fear the upstart business because their low overhead exposes the fat within “big business” ranks. Through legislation “big business” makes it hard for the lone businessman to get started. This strategy is short sighted as we face competition from outside of America.

We are now in a GLOBAL economy. We must restore America's Engine of Competitiveness to be able to compete with all of the companies and Countries that are embracing Capitalism. Manufacturing can and will return to our shores where we can eliminate shipping costs, control environmental impacts, and build innovative products that match the needs of America as well as the needs in other areas of the World.

The responsibility of taking care of those that are less fortunate throughout the world is the responsibility of all humanity. Government takes the lead with foreign policy, military civil affairs, and membership in the World's organizations. Faith based organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Corporations, Non-Profit Organizations and Individuals must bridge the gap ensuring three square meals a day, a roof over their heads, access to quality healthcare, personal safety, an education and a job to every man, woman and child alive. That giving must be done hand to hand, eye to eye, and Heart to Heart.

The education of every man, woman, and child alive must include a strong curriculum of "Personal Responsibility" as well as “Charity”.

Moral responsibility rests with everyone that has a life of excess.

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