Monday, September 22, 2014

Grandpa Dad

Grandpa Dad Site Launched

A while ago I wrote about my grandfather - "Grandpa Dad". He was an amazing man when he wasn't drinking. My parents took the time and care to shield me from him when he was drinking so all of my memories of the man were very positive. I just set up a site that you can check out:

Today, I met with one of the major forces behind the Weingart Center downtown. He works in Century City and is responsible for the Dodger Stadium Event in November. This year we are going to reach out to more of Century City and get them involved in the event. The goal is to turn it into an All Century City event. I see no reason that this won't happen. Weingart Center works with the homeless to get them the services they need and releases them back into society when they are ready to handle the responsibility of rent and a job. They have a tremendous success ratio and have been responsible for tens of thousands of lives that have turned around. I only wish my grandfather would have connected with an organization like the Weingart Center...

This originally appeared in the Century City News back in 2007.

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